All of the barn photos on this page were taken by Susie 2016-2019
The above barn is owned by Cathy Laliberte and is located on Rockingham Road

This barn is owned by the NH Audubon located on Audubon Way
This barn is owned by the Eric Webb Family and is located on Dearborn Road
the above barn is owned by Emerson Heald and is located on Bunker Hill Road
The above barn is owned and built by David Nye on Bunker Hill Road

The above barn is located on Pingree Hill Road

Built in 1850 95 Raymond Road - Historic Barn
The above barn is located off Pingree Hill Road
The above barn is the "Daniel J. Carpenter Carriage Barn" located at 102 Hooskett Road on the grounds of the Auburn Historical Association. Built in 2018
Three generations of Sanborn's own this barn.
Barn is on Dearborn Road. |
The above barn belongs to Dale Phillips on Rattlesnake Hill Road

Barn above is located on Pingree Hill Road and Anderson Way