The records linked are from December 2018. View each cemetery records link by clicking on the name of each cemetery.
These inscriptions are from a small family plot near the Derry/Auburn, NH town line. It is (or was) in the woods off Winters Way Road. Since I first recorded the stones a logging road was put in near the spot and it became a hang-out for teens and others. Though the logging company put in granite posts and a chain to protect it from their trucks, by 1993 the stones had been removed or broken and there were signs someone had been digging into the grave sites.
In the following the dash (-) separates each line on the stones. 1. NANCY ROBY - died - June 20, 1864 - ae. 36 yr. - If we believe that Jesus died and rose again so also they that sleep in Jesus God will … (rest of inscription below ground). Footstone - no inscription 2. EMELINE W. ROBIE - died - Dec. 18, 1860 - ae. 30 - Dearest daughter thou hast left us, -- Here thy loss we deeply feel - But its God that has bereft us - He can all our sorrow heal. Footstone - E. W. R. 3. LUCINDA - wife of - Jacob Sheldon - died - June 13, 1858 - ae. 37 - Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord - Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from - their labors and their works do follow them. Footstone - L. S. 4. MARY J - daughter of Jacob and Lucinda - Sheldon - died Jan 28, 1849 - age 3 yr. and 11 mo. - Oh how fleeting, oh how fleeting - are the dearest joys we knew - the beautiful …. just seen - today she …. low. Footstone - M. J. S. 5. MARY J. - daughter of Nathan and Sophie - Robie - died May 28, 1843 - aged 20 yr. - Friends [sic] or physicians could not save - her mortal body from the grave. - Nor can the grave confine her here - when Christ commands her to appear. - Brown and Eastman, Derry. Footstone - M. J. R. 6. SIDNEY B. - son of - Orlando and Hannah - Welch - died July 9, 1858 - ae 1 yr. and 7 mo. - Now Sidney he has gone to rest - Beneath the silent shroud - Till Jesus comes to call the best - To see their smiling God. Footstone - S. B. W. C. M. B.
The names and dates on the stones are listed on page 246 of History of Chester NH including Auburn - A supplement to the History of Old Chester - comp. and publ. By John Carroll Chase; Derry, NH, 1926