The Auburn Historical Association is excited to announce that it recently made room in 2019 at the museum for some Underhill Tools, including some forged edged steel chisels and axes.
People who work with their hands, use tools to make or shape wooden creations and people who repair machinery might be interested to learn that Auburn was once home to the Underhill Tool Company.
Underhill Tools was a vibrant hand tool business in the 1800s and was operated by the Underhill family; the 1820s, the Underhills were making edge tools at their forge on Chester Road, and in 1835, they purchased the mill site in Auburn Village. For 30 years, the Underhills, along with the help of friends and family, produced axes, chisels, adze, and other sharpened tools at the dam in the Village.
Underhill Tools were sold to woodworkers all over the United States and many pieces can still be found for purchase on eBay and, more often than not, in piles in dark corners of old barns, basements or antique shops. Each tool was stamped by its maker and the earlier tools also had “Auburn NH” stamped on them.
Don Dollard began collecting Underhill tools over 30 years ago. He went to tool auctions, bargained with antique dealers, and talked to other collectors. Over the years, he amassed a large collection of Underhill tools and especially loved the early ones stamped “Auburn NH”. Don wanted to keep the collection in Auburn, so he sold the tools at a discount to the Auburn Historical Association, who received contributions from individual members including Jim Thompson, Dan & Dot Carpenter and Nancy Mayland to make this possible. The AHA thanks everyone involved in making this important acquisition possible and is especially grateful to Don Dollard to helping us preserve this slice of Auburn’s history.
The AHA greatly appreciates the hard work and efforts of Daniel J. Carpenter in making this important transaction happen for the Auburn Historical Association.
Underhill's family home, built in 1766, still stands on Chester Road.
2019: Past President Don Dollard and Dan Carpenter (right) current president of the Auburn Historical Association.
Don Dollard (above) is a descendant of the Underhills